Research Article
Thermal Insulation of “akassa” Hot Preservation Baskets Using Cow Dung Coatings
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
25 March 2024
22 April 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: The use of eco-materials for thermal insulation is becoming more and more recommended compared with synthetic materials. They have the advantage of being biodegradable and sometimes less expensive. To this end, the use of packaging with the function of hot preservatives but made from local and biodegradable materials is a very interesting alternative to synthetic enclosures. This work involved formulating eco-materials made from cow dung coatings and a mixture of cow dung coatings with a framework of fibres extracted from the stalks of oil palm leaves. In addition, to monitor the temperature rise in the various eco-materials manufactured and characterise them using the hot ribbon method to determine their effusivity and thermal conductivity. The pair of materials exposed to heating showed a gradual rise in temperature within the materials when the resistor was energised. A slightly faster rise was observed in the first fifty minutes. The results obtained indicate that the cow dung has a higher effusivity (E = 517.32 J.m-2. °C-1. s-1/2) than its composite (E = 501.20 J.m-2. °C-1. s-1/2). The thermal conductivity values obtained indicate that the cow dung has a higher thermal conductivity (λ'=0.19 W.m^(-1).K^(-1)) than that of the composite structure (λ=0.15 W.m^(-1).K^(-1)). From the above, the presence of the fibre frame has the effect of reducing thermal conductivity because it absorbs more energy. The materials produced therefore have proven insulating properties, which are improved when the framework is made from fibres extracted from the stalks of oil palm leaves. Using oil palm fibres in combination with cow dung as eco-materials for thermal insulation is an excellent alternative to synthetic insulation.
Abstract: The use of eco-materials for thermal insulation is becoming more and more recommended compared with synthetic materials. They have the advantage of being biodegradable and sometimes less expensive. To this end, the use of packaging with the function of hot preservatives but made from local and biodegradable materials is a very interesting alternati...
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Review Article
Graphene Oxide Nanocarriers for Effective Drug Delivery in Breast Cancer Treatment
Mahshid Sadeghi*
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
26 February 2024
21 March 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer globally, with women having a higher risk of developing the disease. Current treatment approaches, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, encounter significant difficulties due to the heterogeneous and intricate regulation of tumors. Nanotechnology, especially the utilization of graphene oxide (GO), presents a promising approach to overcoming the limitations of traditional treatments. GO's unique properties, including its two-dimensional structure, functional groups, and high surface area, make it an ideal material for developing multifunctional nanocarriers. Graphene oxide-based nanocarriers have demonstrated immense potential in breast cancer therapeutics by overcoming the limitations and adverse reactions associated with chemotherapy. The functionalization of GO's surface using biocompatible substances like chitosan and polyethylene glycol improves the cytotoxicity of GO. Enhancing the cytotoxicity also improves the ability to treat tumors that have developed resistance to traditional treatments. These findings demonstrate the promising efficacy of GO-based nanocarriers in treating breast cancer and pave the way for the development of more precise and efficient treatment strategies in the future, potentially improving therapeutic outcomes.
Abstract: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer globally, with women having a higher risk of developing the disease. Current treatment approaches, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, encounter significant difficulties due to the heterogeneous and intricate regulation of tumors. Nanotechnology, especially the utilization of ...
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Research Article
Recycling of Waste Plastic PET on Asphalt Concrete (AC) by Using Application of Response Surface Methodology: Effect of PET on AC Formulated by Duriez Model
Hassan Alaguid Ibrahim Sofo*
Mohagir Ahmed Mohammed
Batran Sidick
Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
16 May 2024
3 June 2024
19 June 2024
Abstract: The wet recycling process of plastic waste was used to design a composite material (asphalt concrete) following the Duriez method. This process aims to improve the rheological performance of asphalt concrete by transforming PET on powdery and added to bitumen. To attend this objective, Doehlert' surface plane was used to assess how the asphalt rate, the PET rate and size, and then the aggregate rate affected the stability (wet and dry) and, in turn, the immersion/compression strength index (RI/C), the absorption capacity, the compactness as well as the void that could be filled by the 0/10 AC (asphalt concrete). All quadratic multivariate polynomial models with interactions were obtained and validated in order to optimize the responses. Thus, the physical characterization made it possible to obtain an asphalt concrete with good mechanical characteristics. In addition, it was observed that the selected factors had a different impact on the responses, which are: IR/C; the water absorption capacity, compactness and void filled by the binder by significantly increasing or decreasing them in simple, quadratic and interaction contributions. From the multi-response optimization, the objective was to obtain a composite material (Asphalt-PET-Aggregates) with has the best rheological characteristic, resulted in the following compromise: Bitumen rate 7%, PET 6% of asphalt, PET size 0,5mm; Aggregate content 93%. The simulated optimal values yielded the following responses were: 0.77 RI/C, immersion/compressive strength (Y.RI/C); 2.9%, absorption capacity (Y.WAC); 94%, compactness (Y.C); 71% void filled by asphalt (Y.VFA)
Abstract: The wet recycling process of plastic waste was used to design a composite material (asphalt concrete) following the Duriez method. This process aims to improve the rheological performance of asphalt concrete by transforming PET on powdery and added to bitumen. To attend this objective, Doehlert' surface plane was used to assess how the asphalt rate...
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